Vendor Application 2025 -
31/Jan/2025 14:35
2/May/2025 14:35

2025 Jenkintown Festival of the Arts Application

  Please only complete this form if you are ready to commit to being a vendor for 2025. 

Please fill in all fields below.

Business/Organization Name *
First Name *
Last Name *
Contact Phone Number *
Email Address *
Are you or is your business from Jenkintown?
Non-refundable application fee - applied to your total fee upon acceptance (waived for non-profits with code)
Application Category *
  • Artists $200: 75% or more of your goods for sale are handmade.
  • Merchant $250: More than 25% of your goods for sale are commercial items; or you are selling a service.
  • Non-Profit $50: Your organization is a registered 501c3. You agree to provide 2 volunteers for a volunteer shift at the Festival. Use the code NONPROFIT2025
    • Food Truck: $450 You are selling food from a full food truck (You must have a current Health Department registration).
    • Food Cart $300: You are serving from a towed cart or a table set-up and are registering to be in the Food Court area (You must have a current Health Department registration).
    • Food Booth $200: You are selling smaller items without a cart and just tables. You will be among the artists and merchants at a 10x10 booth.              


    Food Cart/Trailer
    Food Truck
    Food Booth
    Important Information!

    Our event is Rain or Shine

    You must have a tent/canopy for your site. You can provide your own or rent a set-up from us for $100, including a canopy, 8' table, and 2 chairs. If you are bringing your own, you MUST bring weights/sandbags to secure your tent.
    Site Options *
    I will provide my own tent/canopy, including weights
    I will rent a tent/table/chair set-up from the festival
    We have a limited number of spaces that can accommodate a wheeled trailer or cart. If you have one of these items, please purchase an Artist or Merchant booth and we will confirm site placement.
    Will you be using a wheeled trailer or cart as part of your set-up?

    Vending Details

    Please provide a short description of the goods you have for sale. This may be used on our website and Social Media accounts.

    Description of Goods for Sale *
    Document Uploads

    Please upload documents as requested below:

    Please upload your logo. Please make sure it is high at least 400 x 600 pixels. We will use this for festival promotions.
    Logo *
    (MAX SIZE 5MB)
    Please upload an example of your work, merchandise, or booth set-up. Please make sure it is high at least 400 x 600 pixels. We will use this for festival promotions.
    Art/Booth/Merchandise Image *
    (MAX SIZE 5MB)
    Please upload an example of your work, merchandise, or booth set-up. Please make sure it is high at least 400 x 600 pixels. We will use this for festival promotions.
    Art/Booth/Merchandise Image 2 *
    (MAX SIZE 5MB)
    Food Hygiene Certificate (Food booths)
    Additional Images
    (MAX SIZE 5MB)
    We may publish a photo on our website or program, Please upload one here.
    Website Address
    Facebook Page
    Instagram Page


    Please read our terms and conditions and indicate that you understand and agree to them by electronically signing this document below.

    • The 2025 Jenkintown Festival of the Arts will be held on Sunday, September 21st from 1pm-6pm.
    • All vendors are required to arrive at their designated arrival time. Early arrivals will not be permitted, and late arrivals may not be able to access their site by vehicle. 
    • All vendors must be completely set-up by noon,and may not start breaking down until 6:01pm.
    • Booths may NOT be moved day of the festival, please come prepared for ALL weather.
    • All sites must have a tent or canopy.
    • COVID policies are dependent upon local regulations and conditions. All vendors agree to follow any policies put in place for the day of the festival.
    • All vendors agree to the vendor guidelines found here.
    • Admission as a vendor is not guaranteed - all applications will be reviewed after submission. If you are not accepted, we will refund your vendor fees within 30 days.
    I Agree to the Declaration *
    I agree to follow any COVID policies put in place for the day of the festival. *
    Your Signature *

    Review your signature

    Draw your signature

    Discount Code